Monday, July 21, 2008

Parker and Florida Construction Site Tours

On Friday, July 11, I had the fortunate experience to be able to attend a construction tour at ALD’s future library site at the corner of Parker Road and E. Florida Ave. Members of the community as well as representatives from the Spring Institute braved the near-100-degree temperatures to take a look at how the library was taking shape. Although it is still in its early stages of construction, one can only anticipate the resources it will bring to its community. This new branch will be built on 3.5 acres in unincorporated Arapahoe County. The 28,000-square-foot library will serve residents in Glendale, Four Square Mile and Holly Hills, as well as the larger community, and is scheduled to open in early 2009. I highly recommend taking a tour of the site. The next tour will be offered on Friday, August 1, at 3:30 pm and again at 4 pm. If that date does not work for you, tours will be held monthly and can be registered for online at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

“What’s Your Flavor” Contest Tips

In order to help you get started, below are a tips for sharing about programs and events with library patrons.

We’d love to hear from you! Please post comments with your own tips for sharing about programs and events!

“What’s Your Flavor” Contest Tips:
· Remember, you are the most powerful publicity tool – share your enthusiasm for the program you select.
· If desired, feel free to select a different program each day to share about.
· Have fun with it! Wear a “buggy hat” or a bug pin and share about some of the different bug-themed programs happening at your library.
· Wear a Sock Puppet while sharing about the “Rockstar Sock Puppets” program
· Paint your face and share about Face Painting events.
· Tell a story – engage patrons while telling about the Bug Safari event (“I held Rosie the tarantula…!”) or how much the kids enjoyed the juggling and comedy show in a casual and friendly way.
· As an example, ask patrons, “Have you seen the movie Batteries Not Included?” We’re showing it this Friday outdoors – what a great family night out!
· While facilitating programs and events, tell the participants about upcoming programs and events.
· Use The Dewey program calendar and library-specific handouts as a conversation starter.
· If you’re helping someone at the computer, tell them about computer-specific classes that are coming up. Let teens who are using the computers know about the iMac classes or “Rock Your Profile” events.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our Neighbors, Our Patrons

Happy 4th of July weekend! While you are out and about this weekend, joining friends and family at community events, I challenge you to appreciate all of the good things our individual communities have to offer – including our libraries. I appreciate that we work for a respected organization supported by our very own neighbors.

I also challenge those who are working in the libraries this weekend to take a moment to consider those patrons coming through library doors to spend part of their valuable holiday weekend with us. It says a lot about who we are and what we do for our friends and neighbors in the community. Enjoy!