I have composed the first draft of the ALD Blogging Guidelines. Being a brand new blogger myself (actually, I admit it, this is my VERY FIRST blog post), I am desperate for your input and feedback. Before you actually delve into reading the draft guidelines, please keep in mind that the goal of the guidelines is not to hamper your blogging experiences or scare you away from blogging altogether. Instead the goal is to provide you with some direction when blogging.
So if anything, please take two seconds to review the Blog Guidelines and post something, just to humor me. Since this is indeed my first “blogging experience” I am a little nervous.
By the way be sure to check out the new ALD Communications Blog on a regular basis for up-to-date info on what is going on in the Communications Department!
Arapahoe Library District Blogging Guidelines-Draft
What is a blog?
A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links (http://www.marketingterms.com/).
A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent “post” (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom (http://www.blogger.com/www.problogger.com).
Who can start an ALD blog?
Anyone who has received permission from his/her director or manager can start an ALD blog.
Before starting a blog:
Get permission from your director or manager
Contact Digital Services
Keep in mind…
· Blogging is not a way to circumvent the communications/decision process.
· All blogs are external. This means, everything you post is visible to the world outside of ALD.
Blogging Guidelines:
- All blogs and blog posts should reinforce Arapahoe Library District’s vision, values mission and objectives.
- Update your blog often. No one is interested in an out-of-date blog. What keeps readers coming back to a blog is new content, updates and information.
- Feel free to disagree with a blog post, but be respectful, friendly and kind. In other words, DO NOT post any defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, hateful, racially, ethnically, or otherwise offensive information.
- Whether a post is positive or negative, provide context. For example, don’t just post, “THIS IS A BAD IDEA,” without providing reasons for your thoughts, and maybe even possible solutions.
- Attribute your blog to YOU! No anonymous (or pseudonym) postings please.
- Understand that your blog and/or blog posts belong to YOU. They represent your ideas, thoughts and opinions and should never replace information disseminated from the Communications Department.
- Make sure your posts are accurate.
- Be aware of copyrighted and trademarked materials. This means, do not post any information or other material (including photos) protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. Do not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners.
- Blogs will be monitored by managers and directors, depending on area of responsibility.
- Digital Services must have administrative rights to your blog.
- If you blog outside of ALD, but identify yourself as an ALD employee and/or to discuss matters related to the organization, please keep in mind that, although you and we view your website or weblog as a way for personal expression, some readers may view you as a representative of ALD. Because of this, we ask that you incorporate the following disclaimer to your profile and/or posts, “The views expressed on this blog/in these posts are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of Arapahoe Library District.” website/weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.”
Can work-related ALD Blogs be updated on work time? This is up to your director or manager.
When Blogging Guidelines are ignored, what happens?
ALD can remove information from any ALD blog without notice or contact with the author. Furthermore, ALD can deny authors posting rights. If you notice that a blog does not follow the guidelines, please contact your director or manager.
This looks good to me! (excellent first post, Jessica) I'd like to see that people post in MoMo when a new ALD blog has been created and what the purpose of the blog is. The Web Team has a parenting blog on the Parents page--it doesn't contain a whole lot of personal opinions. It's mainly to advertise ALD materials and services and to provide reference on the fly. Jill
Thanks, Jill! You win the prize for being the first person to post. Actually, there is no real prize except for my THANK YOU!! I completely agree with your idea about posting an article in MoMo when a new blog is created. In fact, there should be an article posted today announcing the ALD Communications Blog. This would be a great point to add to the Blogging Guidelines. If you have other ideas, post away. Don't be shy!
I like the idea of an ALD blog and your first message is great. My only suggestion I have for a change is to lighten the background. I found the light blue text on a dark blue background a little hard to read.
Alice Kober
Great first post and excellent instructions/directions. I agree with Alice, though. I would change the colors. I'd go with a lighter background and a darker font. It will make it much easier to read. Melissa Stock
Good job, Jessica! The only point I think it would be worthwhile to have some clarification on is bullet 6 (Understand that your blog belong to YOU). Perhaps an example such as you provided in the bullet 4? What types of information do you anticipate might be at issue here? Thank you for working on this!
This is my first "blog" experience as well. I had to highlight the information to read it, so I'm in agreement with others that a revision in color choice would be very helpful. Some of us over 50 need all the help we can get. :)
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